How to Make the Ultimate Fluffy Slime - DIY
Here's the recipe, have fun making your slime! 1. Add as much glue as you'd like. I used 1/2 cup of glue. 2. Add the same amount of shaving cream and foaming hand soap as you did glue. Again I used about 1/2 cup. 3. Mix! 4. Add a little over a tablespoon of cornstarch. 5. Add a few pumps of regular hand soap (optional) and lotion. 6. Mix carefully! 7. Add food coloring! (optional) 8. Slowly add your borax mixture a teaspoon at a time. (mixture instructions below.) 9. Once your slime is forms into a clump, take it out of your bowl and knead it. Add a small amounts of borax solution as needed and add lotion to make your slime stretchier. 9. Store your slime in an airtight container. - Borax Solution Instructions: 1. Get 1 cup of hot/warm water. 2. Get 1 teaspoon of borax powder. (can be found at target) 3. Pour the teaspoon of borax into the cup of water. 4. Mix until dissolved. You may re-use your borax solution for future slimes, store it in any container.
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